How can I buy Hal Leonard products?
Click on Find a retailer for a list of Australian and New Zealand retail stockists. Alternately, order online by simply adding items to the shopping cart. Hal Leonard Australia supports local retailers by allowing them a commission on these sales. You can choose which retailer to support during the checkout process. This commission is paid by Hal Leonard Australia and does not affect the total cost of your order. All orders are shipped directly to your preferred address.
What if I can't find a product that I'm looking for?
Then you can contact us here and we'll try to help you out as quickly as possible.
What happens to my shopping cart if I am auto logged out after a period of no activity?
All you need do is simply log back in and you will find anything you had added to your cart will still be there.
What happens if my computer crashes in the middle of placing an order or I have to log out and come back?
As long as you have an account or are logged in as a Dealer, your order is automatically saved throughout the order entry process. If your computer crashes, or your internet connection goes down while you are ordering, simply log back in to your account and click on the shopping cart. Your incomplete orders will be there until you press submit order on the final checkout page.
Do you accept unsolicited material for Publishing?
Hal Leonard produces publications and products utilising the talents and skills of an established group of composers, arrangers, transcribers, authors, producers, and editors. As a result, Hal Leonard Australia does not accept or review unsolicited material for publication consideration in any format.
How can I purchase products that are out-of-print?
We're sorry, but once a product is out-of-print, it is no longer available through us. There is a slim possibility that a retailer may still have a copy or two in stock, but we have no way of knowing which retailers stock the product you may be looking for. In certain circumstances an authorised copy may be available for purchase or in the case of some choral and ensemble arrangements, a licence to reproduce may be available. Please contact for further information.
Can I make copies of out of print copyright material?
No, you can’t. Not without permission from the Copyright owner. For further information on Copyright and Copyright and in particular regarding schools, please go here to the APRAAMCOS website.
What happens if the item I ordered arrives damaged?
Before attempting to return any item(s) it is essential that you contact the Hal Leonard Customer Service Team on to discuss your reason for requiring a return.
Hal Leonard Australia packs every parcel with care to ensure it arrives at its destination in the same condition it leaves our warehouse. Unfortunately we cannot bear responsibility for the duty and care of our freight partners. Tracking (where available) and delivery concerns should be directed to the appropriate freight company.
What happens if the item I ordered is faulty, doesn't work as intended or what I received is not what I ordered?
Where an item is faulty or incorrectly supplied it will be replaced, depending on availability. Where a replacement cannot be supplied, goods will be refunded. Please contact Hal Leonard Australia on with your order reference number and state the fault or problem of your item/s within 7 days of delivery.